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The testing process is of paramount importance to any project and a sub-standard testing strategy can easily pave the way for infrastructure breakdowns, higher operating costs and will alarmingly bring down the time-to-market of the products. It is therefore imperative for the organizations to have a clear, rigorous and uncompromising testing strategy such as test consulting.

Quality IT applications are the backbone of most business processes today, yet, according to Forrester Research, “one-third of business stakeholders are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the quality of their software.” Poorly tested and integrated software has a severe effect on a business’s customers, sales, partnerships, employees and financial bottom line. At RICEFW, our focus goes beyond testing, we take a holistic approach to Quality Assurance and Testing (QA & Testing) by examining the impacts on the quality and success of your implementation – estimations, tools and methods used, schedule pressure, requirement changes, inadequate metrics, inadequate release and configuration management process. Our client-focused methods and standardized QA processes have evolved from best practices, tempered by hundreds of real-world QA engagements. Our solutions are tailored to meet your needs and are designed to achieve tangible results.

Our QA & Testing methods focus on the prevention and early detection of defects, as well as the traditional method of testing for defects at a later stage. This proactive approach allows you to reduce your Total Cost of Quality (TCOQ) and thereby, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). In addition, our testing framework and QA & Testing assets (People, Process, and Methods) are tied together with a robust governance model. The synergy of this framework increases efficiencies, maximizes your return on testing investments, and improves quality to near-zero defects. Savings generated by the framework can be re-invested in new solutions to improve competitiveness.

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RICEFW provides efficient, cost-effective solutions that stabilize or reduce your testing costs, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure regulatory compliance.


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